Connection is at the heart of what it means to be human and drinking often defines these moments. You know that sensation when your first drink hits that sweet spot, where conversations broaden and connections deepen? SENTIA was developed to capture that moment - and let you hold it. A next generation of feel-good drinks, designed for conscious drinkers, coming together.


SENTIA is the world's 1st GABA Spirit, designed by science with all-natural botanicals to offer that ‘two drinks sweet spot’. It’s what we want from alcohol, without the alcohol.

An emergent drinks category founded on the scientific understanding of alcohol’s desirable effects.

GABA Spirits are the world’s first truly functional alcohol-alternative category, comprising a proprietary blend of functional botanical ingredients, designed by the science team at GABA Labs to offer that 'two drink sweet spot'..

SENTIA is the world’s 1st GABA Spirit. Designed by world leading scientists, SENTIA contains a patent-pending blend of ingredients known to enhance GABA, an experience renowned for relaxation, sociability.

From tests, it seems people tend to feel some effects within 5-10min, which can last 45-60min.

The 3 dots in SENTIA’s logo represents the ‘third option’: not alcohol, not non-alc but a new generation of ‘GABA’ drinks.”
It also represents the coming together of people and the sociability at the heart of SENTIA’s offering.

Our goal is to use science to enable better options for the experiences people desire from social drinking, but without the alcohol.

A word of Latin origin made popular during the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment period (17th century), which has evolved into today’s ‘sensory’, ‘sentient’ and ‘sensual’.

Experience SENTIA like a fine spirit; 25ml neat, over ice, with a premium mixer, or in a cocktail.

Distinctly heady, sweet and spiced floral aromatics.

An unexpectedly complex journey, with long lasting notes.

Bold, sumptuous, bittersweet spiced berries.

SENTIA results from 40 years of scientific research and 5 years product development. Its patent-pending botanical technology gives rise to a brand new category of drinks. Produced via a unique, proprietary process, requiring cutting edge equipment and advanced skills, SENTIA is made for its effects and not just for flavour.

Using significant quantities of real, high quality, organic ingredients, it is the world’s first alcohol-alternative to be classified a ‘food supplement’.
In essence, SENTIA costs as much to put on-shelf, as a premium alcohol spirit does.

Individual variances
The GABA system in your brain is very much your own, and individual brain chemistry varies from person to person, so the experience of SENTIA will vary too.

Alcohol in system

Regular alcohol drinkers may have a high tolerance to GABA release, which will moderate the SENTIA experience. Studies suggest that you can reset your tolerance to GABA release by refraining from drinking for 2 to 3 weeks.


SSRI’s, (Selective Serotonin Inhibitors) anti-psychotics, tranquillisers and some epileptic medications may inhibit the effects of SENTIA.


SENTIA is not designed to get you “drunk”, but offer a more refined experience. All feelings are of course very subjective, and will vary from person to person.


There is a great deal of scientific evidence indicating that drinking (or taking any mind altering substance) alone creates a very different effect from doing so socially. The science suggests the same will be true with SENTIA.

At the drink’s core is a strong botanical blend optimised for effect, which has a distinct, powerful botanical taste. This core botanical ‘GABA Blend’ is then suffused with additional, sumptuous, complimentary ingredients, but some may find SENTIA a challenge.

SENTIA can be enjoyed neat, on ice, with a premium mixer, or in a cocktail. Experiment was various ingredients and try the serve suggestions, developed by our world class mixologists to experience SENTIA’s dynamism.

Taste is of course subjective and we have two further exciting flavour variants in development.


A 50cl bottle of SENTIA has 20 servings. A 20cl bottle of SENTIA has 8 servings.


GABA is a fundamental neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in regulating the body's major hormone systems and neurotransmitters. It is also responsible for facilitating human connection, allowing people to relax, create trust, come together and function as social beings in a harmonious society. In a world full of disharmony and stress, GABA enables us to gently return to a state of equilibrium, and be our best selves. 

SENTIA contains a proprietary blend of natural ingredients designed by the team at GABA Labs.

GABA Labs is a scientific research company, which licenses technology through a subsidiary to drinks companies and SENTIA is the first.

Clinical investigations have led to a deep understanding of alcohol, how it affects us and crucially, how we can separate the good effects we seek; relaxation and conviviality, from the downsides often experienced with alcohol.

The GABA blend in SENTIA is the result of investigative, clinical research. Then selected ingredients are combined, proportioned and extracted for optimal efficacy.

Alcarelle is a novel molecule GABA Labs intends to launch as an ingredient to the global drinks industry to use in place of alcohol.

SENTIA is a purely botanical drink, using the understandings of the GABA system and its relationship to the positive effects people seek from drinking.


SENTIA and the GABA blend is made with GRAS (generally regarded as safe) ingredients.

As SENTIA is classified a ‘food supplement’, it is recommended you do not consume this product if you are on medication, pregnant or breastfeeding, do not exceed 100ml in any 24 hour period and keep out of reach of children.

It is recommended you do not consume this product if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Some users have reported GABA Red making them drowsy, so we do not recommend driving after consuming GABA Red. Whilst there is nothing in the GABA Black blend that should impact driving, we recommend you use your best judgement.

From a scientific perspective, there is nothing in SENTIA that poses a risk to recovering alcoholics. Anything that encourages people to drink less alcohol is a good thing.

There is the question of addiction and addictive tendencies. However, none of the ingredients used in SENTIA have been identified as addiction promoting.

Being drunk and hangovers are specifically related to alcohol consumption. As there is no alcohol in SENTIA, there is no ‘drunk’, or ‘hangover’.

AT LESS THAN 10 CALORIES PER SHOT, SENTIA Spirits contain absolutely no refined sugar. GABA Red contains agave and fruit concentrates. GABA Black contains molasses and maple syrup. These healthier, high quality, and minimally processed sweeteners have only a fraction of the calories you'd find in a glass of wine, bottle of beer, or tumbler of liquor.

SENTIA and the GABA blend in it are comprised of natural ingredients classified ‘food’ and ‘food supplements’, that have been used for centuries and that anyone can source, so no.

SENTIA contains all natural food and food supplement ingredients sourced from farmers around the world.