We expect you have a lot of questions! The following will hopefully answer them or you can find out more from GABALabs.

GABA Spirits are 'alcohol-free' but very different from all the other 'non-alcoholic spirits', which are purely for flavour. 

Many Alcohol-Free options mimic flavours well but often fall short on function. SENTIA Spirits are a new generation of alcohol alternatives designed to be paired with your favourite mixers. SENTIA Spirits bring their own unique flavours, bodies, and mouthfeels.

We’re all unique and individuals report experiencing the flavour and sensation of SENTIA in different ways. We love to receive feedback so please let us know your experience with SENTIA Spirits.

How is this possible? Please read on...


Humans and our pre-human ancestors have consumed alcohol for over a million years; it's the most widely used psychoactive substance on the planet--because it gives us something we want.

This old technology comes with baggage and todays consumers are looking for better options.


The effects of alcohol have been studied for many years, which this diagram nicely summarises:


Those familiar with that ‘first-drink sweet spot’ – are also likely familiar with the feeling when you’ve had too much…

It’s a fine line, which is why SENTIA precisely targets GABA activity in the brain; And (unlike some of us) GABA knows when to call it a night. Which is how SENTIA gives you the that ‘sweet spot’ feeling of relaxation and sociability and holds the feeling right there.  



SENTIA was developed to bottle the feelings associated with connection.

Designed by a world-renowned team of botanists, innovators, and scientists, SENTIA’s unique blend of powerful, plant-based ingredients are scientifically proven to activate ‘GABA’ in the brain – that’s the neurotransmitter responsible for those sensations of sociability – meaning you can come together and connect, with a good drink.

Don't take our word for it


I decided to stop drinking, realised I would still need something to look forward to at the end of the day, did my research and found Sentia. I love both colours. It relaxes me and stops me from feeling that I am missing out. My one wish is that bars would stock it!


This has replaced alcohol in our Wednesday evening drink. It is relaxing and does make a great alternative to alcohol when unwinding. We tried the red and the black. Of the two we prefer the black as the red is more floral while the black does have root beer or Chinotto notes. We mix with tonic or soda water and ice and usually have 50mL each.


This is a lovely warn rounded flavoured drink. I like it with tonic water. I like an alcoholic drink but have decided to have a break for 6 months. Drinking Sentia Red has the same indulgent feeling. Gave me incredible dreams, vivid and so colourful.


I ordered sentia red because I’m finding as I enter my 40s the after effects of alcohol noticeably affect my sleep and anxiety levels( even with just one alcoholic drink ) but I still want something delicious and something which feels like a grown up drink and isn’t packed with sugar I drink a lot of botanical teas and infusions and so the slightly bitter taste of this was just my sort of thing …recommend as an alternative - if you like Campari then you’ll love this


Love this drink with a good tonic, ice and lime. What a great discovery. So pleased to have found this. The lovely relaxed feeling that alcohol gives but without the negative impacts that alcohol has. Brilliant. This will be a regular purchase for me.

GABA Gold 50cl GABA Black 50cl GABA Red 50cl GABA Gold 500ml & GABA Black 500ml GABA Red 50cl & GABA Gold 50cl