Why do I get Hangiexty? The Hangover To be blessed with hangxiety, first, you’ve got to be hungover. Most of us have been there. Your head is pounding, your mouth is drier than the Atacama. Light and sound bear down...
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Why Gen-Z might be Skipping Dry January this Year We’re a week deep into Dry January. How is it going for you? A survey by Alcohol Change UK showed that participants over 25 overwhelmingly nailed the challenge. On the other hand,...
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Who's Going Dry this January and Why? Are you thinking about Dry January? Or perhaps just about feeling hanging on New Year’s Day? Alcohol Change UK has been championing Dry January for over a decade, and they’ve produced some interesting...
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Festive Fizz and Holiday Hangovers: How Christmas Celebrations Fuel Alcohol Consumption Levels of alcohol consumption shoot up over the holidays. The Distilled Spirits Council of the United States tells us that a quarter of the $49 billion-a-year distilled spirits industry’s profits...
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Unwrapping the Science of Gift-Giving: Neurological Magic of Christmas Presents The science of sociability gets us excited because it’s at the core of what makes us human. Whilst piles of Amazon boxes, gift cards, and novelty jumpers might not seem...
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